Stories that you confided to us

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Stories that you confided to us

The cultural heritage of Ukraine: stories of rescue

Employees of Ukrainian museums did the impossible - when the full-scale war began, they saved hundreds of thousands of valuable exhibits in an incredibly short time.

Despite the risks to their lives, shelling nearby, these people lived at work — to preserve and save Ukrainian history, culture and memory from destruction by the enemy.

They told the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation how they did it. And the Museum collected these stories in a separate collection.

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“We were afraid they would destroy our flag”
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“We were afraid they would destroy our flag”
Natalia Aleksandrova
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“You cannot prepare for war”
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“You cannot prepare for war”
Dmytro Stus
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“If there is no past, I see no future”
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“If there is no past, I see no future”
Olha Plakhotniuk
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“The museum should be working”
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“The museum should be working”
Yuriy Vakulenko
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“The biggest loss is the local history museum”
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“The biggest loss is the local history museum”
Diana Tryma
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“We must save everything”
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“We must save everything”
Volodymyr Radchenkо
2022 2023 moving shelling safety and life support
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