We deeply appreciate your interest in the website "VOICES OF CIVILIANS, THE RINAT AKHMETOV FOUNDATION'S MUSEUM" (the "Website"). Using the word "Website", we shall imply hereinafter under the word we will mean an Internet resource owned by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Charitable Organization and posted on the Internet at: https://civilvoicesmuseum.orghttps://museum.twid.com.ua/, including all levels of the specified domain, both functioning on the date of user acceptance of the rules, and launched and put into operation during the entire period of its validity.
The Website "VOICES OF CIVILIANS, THE RINAT AKHMETOV FOUNDATION'S MUSEUM" is maintained as an informational and educational resource for users and visitors of the Website.
The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Charitable Organization, EDRPOU code 33703116 (hereinafter referred to as the "Website Administration" or "Foundation") is the owner of the Website "VOICES OF CIVILIANS, THE RINAT AKHMETOV FOUNDATION'S MUSEUM".
This page describes the terms of use of the Website, which was developed by Website Administration and determine the terms of use of Website and materials published on the Website, as well as the rights and duties of its members (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules").
These Rules are a legally binding agreement between the User and the Website Administration, the scope matter of which is to provide the site administration to the user access to the use of the site, its functionality and materials posted on the Website. In addition to these Rules, you can add special documents to the agreement between the user and the Website Administration that regulate the provision of access to the use of separate Website functionality located in the relevant sections of the Website.
Please read the Terms of Use below. By accessing and using the Website, you agree that you have read and agree to the following terms of use of the Website and the materials posted on it. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you must not use the Website and may not download materials from this Website.
The Rules apply to users, Website's visitors, Website Administration, as well as to relations related to the rights and interests of third parties who are not users or Website's visitors, but whose rights and interests may be affected as a result of the actions of users and/or Website's visitors. These Rules apply to both individuals and legal entities.
Using the Website is allowed to individuals who have reached the age of 18 and individuals who have not reached the age of 18 if they have permission from their parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees or other legal representatives of minors to use the Website. By using the Website, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old or that you have obtained the consent of your legal representatives to use the Website.
The Website Administration reserves the right to change the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms at any time and such changes will take effect immediately after they are published on the Website.
When any alteration are made by us, we publish the "last updated" date at the beginning of these Rules so as to inform you when these changes were made. We highly recommend that you read these Rules before using the Website. If you continue to use the Website after the publication of the amended Rules, this means that you agree to comply with the Rules with all its changes.
If any of the terms of these Rules or changes to them are unacceptable to you, you may not start using the Website materials.
The Website Administration reserves the right to change the content and functionality of this Website in any way, change, suspend or terminate access to the Website at any time, including the availability of any information, database or content. The Website Administration also has the right to impose restrictions on certain functions or restrict Your access to part or all of the Website without notice or liability.
The Rights to the Website as a Whole and to use the network address (domain name)
they belong to the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Charitable organization. The latter provides access to the Website to all interested parties in accordance with these Rules and the current legislation of Ukraine.
According to the text of these Rules, the Website Administration refers to the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Charitable Organization, a legal entity established under the legislation of Ukraine
Appeals, suggestions and claims of individuals and legal entities to the Website Administration in connection with these Rules and all issues related to the functioning of the Website, violation of the rights and interests of third parties when using it, use of materials posted on the Website, as well as for requests of persons authorized by the legislation of Ukraine may be sent:
- - to the postal address: 01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, 33-B Taras Shevchenko Boulevard. or
- - by dialing: 0 (800) 509 001 or
- - by email to: stories@fdu.org.ua.
With regard to the functioning and development of the Website, the Administration is guided by the current legislation of Ukraine, these Rules and other special documents that have been developed or may be developed and adopted by the Website Administration in order to regulate the provision of users with access to certain Website's functionality.
Protection of intellectual property rights.
1.1.1. The information on the Website was placed in such a way as to be easily accessible for personal use and for performing any action permitted by the legislation of Ukraine on intellectual property rights.
The materials published on the Website are intended for your personal, non-commercial use. All materials published on the Website, including, but not limited to: texts, photos, images, illustrations, graphics, audio, video and audio-visual materials (hereinafter referred to as "materials" or "content") are protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights and are owned or licensed by the Website Administration. You must comply with all additional copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained on any page of the Website.
The content of the Website is protected by copyright in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and international copyright.
Except as provided for in these Rules and the current legislation of Ukraine, you may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale, copy, reproduce (except as provided for in clause 3.1.6 of these Ukraine), download, distribute, perform, or otherwise use the Website content (including software) in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Website Administration.
Under no circumstances will you acquire any ownership rights in relation to any content on the Website when you use this Website.
You can download or copy the Website materials, other components and elements that are displayed on the Website only for personal non-commercial use (including for posting on your social network page), subject to all copyrights and other messages contained on the Website (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Use").
Reproduction, copying, collection, systematization, storage, use, publication, transfer of content or any part of it for a purpose other than personal use (needs) without the consent of the Website Administration is prohibited.
The use and publication of content must not violate the requirements of these Rules and the current legislation of Ukraine, including, but not limited to, the right to confidentiality, the interests of persons included in audio and video materials, and any other protected rights that may be included in the materials.
Users are allowed to use the information and materials posted on the site free of charge for purposes other than personal use only with the written consent of the site administration. The use of the Website content provided for in this clause is only possible if the accuracy of the reproduced materials is ensured, the site is identified as a source of information and the link to the Website is made
The Website Administration grants written permission to use its materials to third parties at its discretion on the basis of a request sent in electronic form to the address
stories@fdu.org.ua, with mandatory indication of the return mailing address and materials that the applicant seeks to use. The Website Administration reserves the right to request from third parties any additional information necessary for making a decision on issuing a written permission. Use of the Website materials is possible only after a third party has received the appropriate written permission from the Website Administration.
It is forbidden to copy from the Website and use in any way separately (without copying the history and publication as a whole) photos and images of minors and minors posted on the Website.
Other pages of the Website may contain other comments and rules about property rights and copyright information, and the provisions contained on such pages of the Website must also be taken into account and observed.
Actions not provided for in these Rules for the use, reproduction, publication, distribution of content will be interpreted as a violation of the Foundation's intellectual property rights.
Requirements for placing links to the Website.
Although elements can be adjusted to meet specific needs, we recommend that you include the following information when using and publishing content:
- • name of the hero (in the case of using and publishing the interview - the name of the interviewee);
- • name of the materials (for example, "interview");
- • the Website owner is the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Charitable Organization;
- • link to the Website.
When linking to the Website, you must comply with the following requirements:
- ✓ the Website's link code must be placed without changes or modifications;
- ✓ the page where the link code is placed must be open for indexing by search engines (there is no prohibition on indexing in the file robots.txt, the absence of tags and transitions through the script and other methods that prevent indexing of our link).
- ✓ you can get there in no more than 3 clicks) on the Website to the page where the content that is used within these Rules is placed;
- ✓ links should not imply endorsement of third-party products, services, or companies, and should not mislead users in any other way;
- ✓ the link to the Website must be direct.
All trademarks and logos displayed on this Website (hereinafter referred to as "Trademarks") are trademarks of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation or third parties that have granted licenses to their trademarks of the Foundation.
Commercial (brand) names, trademarks, etc. of the Foundation or third parties are protected by copyright. Nothing specified in these Rules may be interpreted as granting, indirectly, by default, or otherwise, any license or right to use the trademark, trade name, domain names, patent, design rights, or copyrights of the Foundation or third parties. The right to use the brand name, trademarks, logos, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Foundation and its charitable programs and projects can only be granted by written agreement with the Website Administration.
All photos and images of individuals that are used on the Website, electronic communications or printed materials were taken with the permission of these individuals. As part of the permission agreement, individuals have given their consent to use their images in charity projects of the Foundation, in the media, on the Foundation's websites, as well as on all websites owned and/or managed by the Foundation, on any pages of the Foundation in social networks, on pages of third parties in social networks (if the placement of photos and images on pages of third parties in social networks is carried out by copying such images and photos from the Foundation's websites with a link to such websites (repost)), in any works (including, but not exclusively, in literary, audio-visual works), other intellectual property items, in archives, diaries, and exhibitions.
All photos and images of children that are used on the Website, electronic communications or printed materials were taken with the permission of their parents, adoptive parents, guardians or guardians (hereinafter referred to as "Legal Representatives"). Legal Representatives of the children whose photos are used on the Website are explained the ways and purpose of using such photos and images, as well as the right of legal representatives to prohibit the placement of these photos and images on the Website. As part of the permission agreement, Legal Representatives have given their consent to use their images in charity projects of the Foundation, in the media, on the Foundation's websites, as well as on all websites owned and/or managed by the Foundation, on any pages of the Foundation in social networks, on pages of third parties in social networks (if the placement of photos and images on pages of third parties in social networks is carried out by copying such images and photos from the Foundation's websites with a link to such websites (repost)), in any works (including, but not exclusively, in literary, audio-visual works), other intellectual property items, in archives, diaries, and exhibitions.
All audio and video clips with the participation of third parties, interviews, survey results, questionnaires, stories, as well as personal data and other information about third parties posted on the Website were made and posted with the permission of these third parties. As part of the consent agreement, they have agreed to use their interviews, responses, survey results, questionnaires, stories, information about them, audio, photo and video materials with their participation (including freeze-frame) in charity projects of the Foundation, in the media, on the Foundation's websites, as well as on all websites owned and/or managed by the Foundation, on any pages of the Foundation in social networks, on pages of third parties in social networks (if the placement of such information on the pages of third parties in social networks is carried out by copying such information from the Foundation's websites with a link to such websites).-sites (repost)), in any works (including, but not limited to, literary, audiovisual works), other intellectual property objects, in archives, diaries, and exhibitions.
All audio and video clips with the participation of minors and minors, their interviews, survey results, questionnaires, stories, as well as personal data and other information about such minors and minors posted on the Website were made and posted on the Website with the permission of their parents, adoptive parents, guardians or Website (hereinafter referred to as "Legal Representatives"). As part of the consent agreement, they have agreed to use their interviews, responses, survey results, questionnaires, stories, information about them, audio, photo and video materials with their participation (including freeze-frame) in charity projects of the Foundation, in the media, on the Foundation's websites, as well as on all websites owned and/or managed by the Foundation, on any pages of the Foundation in social networks, on pages of third parties in social networks (if the placement of such information on the pages of third parties in social networks is carried out by copying such information from the Foundation's websites with a link to such websites).-sites (repost)), in any works (including, but not limited to, literary, audiovisual works), other intellectual property objects, in archives, diaries, and exhibitions. Legal representatives of minors and minors are explained the ways and purposes of using this information, as well as their right to prohibit the placement of this information on the Website.
A user of the Website is an individual who has reached the age of 18 and/or an individual under the age of 18, subject to the permission provided for in paragraph 1.5 of these Rules, and who uses the functionality and content of the Website.
User registration on the Website is voluntary and free of charge, made at the following address on the Internet: https://civilvoicesmuseum.org.
The user can register on the Website in one of three ways:
- A) using an Facebook account;
- B) using a account Google;
- C) using an email address and creating a password to log in to your personal account.
При реєстрації на Сайті користувач зобов'язаний надати адміністрації Сайту необхідну
достовірну та актуальну інформацію для формування персональної сторінки користувача (особистого
кабінету), включаючи унікальні для кожного користувача логін і пароль доступу до Сайту, а також
прізвище та ім'я. Реєстраційна форма Сайту може запитувати у користувача додаткову інформацію.
Всі поля реєстраційної форми є обов’язковими для заповнення користувачем при реєстрації на
Користувач несе відповідальність за достовірність, актуальність, повноту і відповідність
законодавству України наданої при реєстрації інформації та її чистоту від претензій третіх осіб.
When registering on the Website, the user must provide the Website Administration with the necessary reliable and up-to-date information to form the user's personal page (personal account), including a unique login and password for each user to access the Website, as well as the last name and first name. The Website's registration form may request additional information from a user. All fields of the registration form are mandatory for the user to fill in when registering on the Website.
If all registration actions are performed correctly and consistently, a personal page (account) is created on the Website, whereof the user is notified accordingly. The user has the right to register no more than one personal page on the Website.
By registering on the Website, the user agrees to receive through the services of the Website Administration electronic messages and other types of newsletters of information, including advertising and informational content, including from partners of the Website Administration, to which the user has agreed to send messages to him.
Username and password chosen by the user are necessary and sufficient information for the user to access the Website. The user does not have the right to transfer his/her username and password to third parties, and is fully responsible for their safety, independently choosing the method of storing them. A user can use the hardware and software that they use to store their username and password (using cookies) for subsequent automatic authorization on the Website.
If a user does not prove otherwise, any actions performed using their username and password shall be considered to be performed by a corresponding user. In case of unauthorized access to the user's username and password and/or personal page, or distribution of the username and password, the user must immediately notify the Website Administration by email
After the registration, a user gets the right to use the Website's functionality for non-commercial purposes.
The Website Administration may contact you by email regarding your participation in the user survey, asking questions in order to improve current or further materials. This information will be used to improve the Website's performance and to better understand our users. Any information we receive in such surveys will not be shared with third parties, except in a generalized form without disclosing your identity.
The Website may contain links to other websites.
Links to external websites have been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. We have carefully studied the content of these links and the reliability of those who provide these links. However, since the content of Internet pages is dynamic and constantly subject to change, we cannot constantly monitor the content of each link.
Please note that a link from the Website located on our server to any third-party website does not imply our approval of the products, services or owner of such website, and we are not responsible for their content.
If you visit another website, the data protection rules of the respective website operator shall apply. If you choose to access any websites linked from our Website, do so at your own risk, we are not responsible for the privacy or security policies of such websites, and such other websites may contain commercial advertising. Any use of websites by third-parties may also be governed by the terms of use of such websites, and we recommend that you read their terms of use and privacy policies before using other websites.
The materials may contain links to other World Wide Web sites, resources, and advertisers. Since we are not responsible for the availability of these external resources or their content, you should direct any concerns about any external link to the by Website Administration.
You hereby guarantee and agree that you will not:
- - use the Website in any illegal way or in any other way that may damage, disable, overload or harm the Website ;
- use the Website to intimidate or harass any person;
- - impersonate any individual or legal entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent yourself, your age, your qualifications and/or your affiliation with any individual or legal entity;
- - publish, upload, display, transmit or otherwise publicly post on the Website any personal information of any third parties, including, but not limited to, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses;
- - receive email addresses or other contact information of any other person from the Website to send unsolicited emails or other unsolicited messages;
- - use the Website to distribute advertising or other unsolicited materials to third parties;
- - publish, upload, display, transmit, or otherwise provide access to any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment;
- - use automated scripts to collect information or otherwise interact with the Website;
- - modify or remove any copyright notices, product and service marks, and privacy notices from materials downloaded or printed from the Website.
The Website Administration does not guarantee or confirm the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinions, statements or other information uploaded or distributed through the accounts of any users, suppliers or any other individuals or legal entities. You acknowledge and understand that reliance on such thoughts, advice, statements, memoranda, or other information should be at your own risk.
Neither the Website Administration, nor its partners or employees guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the Website; nor do they guarantee that such will be the results obtained during the use of the Website, as well as the accuracy and applicability of its materials.
To the extent permitted by law, the Website Administration is not responsible for any damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this Website or any other Website associated with this Website. Under no circumstances can the Website Administration be held responsible for the consequences that directly or indirectly resulted from the use of information posted on this Website and be the basis for its prosecution. The Website Administration does not represent or guarantee that any file or program that can be downloaded from this Website and/or used with its help is free from errors, viruses, defects and other factors that may harm the user's data, hardware or software.
Although we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information and copyright in the materials posted on this website, any liability of the Website administration that may arise from the use of the information contained on the Website is excluded. The Website Administration does not bear any responsibility for the accuracy of information, possible errors or omissions in the content, and the entire risk of using the content is borne by the user.
The Website Administration and its employees under no circumstances bear any responsibility to the user or third parties for possible damage related to access, use or inability to use this Website, using information or materials posted on this Website.
By doing so, you warrant that you will indemnify and protect the Foundation from any liability and expenses, including legal fees, that will be incurred in connection with any claim arising out of your violation of these Rules, warranties, and agreements, or by any user of your account. You must reasonably cooperate in the defense of any such claim
These Rules will be interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.
Any disputes regarding the implementation of these Rules will be resolved by the relevant court located on the territory of Ukraine, according to the rules of jurisdiction established by the legislation of Ukraine.
You agree to immediately report any copyright violations in relation to the materials on the Website to the Website Administration. If you have any claims regarding copyright infringement in relation to the materials contained on the Website, please let us know by email
Our failure at any time to comply with any provision of these Rules or our failure to exercise any right granted by these Rules shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or right. All waivers are valid only in writing and signed by the party for whom they will be binding. Unless a written waiver expressly states otherwise, no waiver by the Foundation of any of Its rights to claim any violation of any provision of these Rules in respect of which these Rules provides any rights is a waiver of any continuing or subsequent violation of such provision, a waiver of such provision, or a waiver of any right under these Rules.
If any provision of these Rules is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision shall be amended and interpreted to the maximum extent consistent with the purposes and objectives of the initial provision in all cases permitted by law, and the remaining provisions of these Rules shall remain in full force and effect.