On June 16, 2022, Tetiana Frolova can celebrate her second birthday. She is one of the survivors of the Russian airstrike on the cultural centre in Lysychansk.Since the full-scale invasion, a humanitarian aid centre has been set up in the building.

For several months, up to 300 people lived in the building and hid from the shelling. Tetiana distributed humanitarian aid and kept lists.

She recalls how, a few minutes before the bomb arrived, she read Psalm 90 from the prayer book and sat down to rest for a while. The explosion deafened her, the dust blinded her.

Tetiana was covered with brick fragments and crushed by iron cabinets.But she miraculously managed to get out alive.

Tetiana knew everyone who died. A couple in love who were about to get married. A disabled woman lying in bed. One of the mothers lost her last, third son in that air strike.