Every time I go down to the basement of the house, I get scared for the children and for myself. I lived here with my grandchildren for two months in the winter of 2015. There were explosions that made the whole house shake.

No one would have thought thought that we would have to live in basements in the 21st century.

I have three grandchildren. I became a guardian for two of them after my daughter died. I never thought about sending them to a boarding school.

We had to give up work for the kids. Now we're barely making ends meet. We have to spend a lot of money on the treatment of my two-year-old grandson Rynat. He suffers from congenital laryngitis, we are admitted to the hospital every three months. The child constantly takes antibiotics and probiotics.

During the mass attacks, almost all people left Shchastia. Only two thousand remained out of 13,500 inhabitants. Now the locals have started to return, but many apartments are still empty.