During one of the attacks on Avdiivka a year and a half ago, a shell exploded right under the windows of our apartment. All five children stayed at home with me at that time. Fragments flew through the windows. I covered the two younger girls with my body. My leg was torn off, and the three older children had multiple shrapnel wounds.

The doctors fought for my life for more than two months. There was no chance to save the leg, so I have to walk with prosthesis. My husband Victor has to take care of the entire household by himself.

Life on a peaceful territory has become a real challenge for us. After being released from the hospital, we have to knock about rented apartments. I haven't received any payments for two months — neither child support nor low-income family benefits. Children have not been registered as disabled. I receive Disablement Income Group II payments. I can't claim any benefits or any compensation from the state. We have been abandoned to our fate.

Soon we will return home to Avdiivka. We can no longer pay for rental housing in Pokrovsk.