Our village got empty. People are so scared that they are scared to go outside their doorstep. We were a prosperous resort, but we became ruins.

The sea is mined 300 meters from the shore, fishing is forbidden. It hurts me to watch the sea from land. We were left without anything; we have no occasion to go out to the sea. This means that my family was left without money.

Formerly, we caught fish well. Now I don't even have networks. All now we live from day to day, wesurviced thanks to God.

The loss of job and income is not my only problem. My daughter is disabled. She is 12 years old and has dystrophic dysplasia. It’s a congenital genetic disorder. Dasha's height is only one meter, and her legs and arms are shortened, her hands do not bend. The doctors said that she would not be able to hold a pencil in her hands. But they were wrong. Dasha learned to write with straight fingers. She does not allow her illness to take over and every day she gets to the neighboring village to study.

Last year, our whole family almost died in a shelling - a shell hit right into our house. We left the house 15 minutes before. How we felt that we needed to leave, the dogs behaved strangely. The garage and part of the house burned down.