Our life goes on from shelling to shelling. The rest of the time we hide in a deep cellar. They seem to shoot far away, but a projectile can fly in a millisecond and it is not clear from where.

In our shelter, we usually hide with my brother Sergei and my son Vladik. There we spend hours reading good old fairy tales to Vladik. Sometimes we have to sit in the cellar all night, we no longer want to risk our lives. 

I do not know what it was then, whether it was "Grad", or something else, but we ran for cover, and the shells fell behind us. My friend was even struck on the head with a splinter. We plunged into the cellar just before hitting of the shell, barely in time.

A few hours later, when there was a lull, we left the shelter. There is a lot to do before dark. You can only leave the house at night as a last resort. Around the corner of the house begins the area under fire, it is better not to go there.