I lived a century and entered a new one. On 1 January, I celebrated my hundredth birthday. I've already lost count.

I Can't reclaim my pension – I won't be able to endure the trip at the age of 100

I was born during the czarist rule, in 1916. Since a young age, I was not afraid of hard work. My husband went to the front as a volunteer during the war, and I continued my labour in the field.

I Can't reclaim my pension – I won't be able to endure the trip at the age of 100

Husband returned from the war.

I Can't reclaim my pension – I won't be able to endure the trip at the age of 100

He died a few years ago, and I almost lost my sight. My granddaughter is taking care of me. I have two children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I have worked for over 60 years.

When the war in Donbass broke out, I was left with nothing. I have no opportunity to reclaim my pension, because that would mean going to the other end of the city to take care of the matter. We manage to pull through owing to the support from charitable organisations.

I've never taken any pills – that's the recipe for longevity.

I want peace most of all. I wish children lived in peace.