I came to the church to ask not only for the end of the war, but also for the healing of my younger son Vitalyi. When we left the city at the beginning of the war, we got under fire. Vitalyi was four years old at the time and started to stutter very badly.

We lived away from home for a little more than a year, and were left without money or means of support. I had to go back. Vitalyi started to attend first class. He no longer remembers out town in peaceful time.

Every time I wait with a sinking heart for the children to return from school. My eldest son almost died recently. He was walking home – and then the shelling started. He managed to push his wife behind the garage, and he covered the child with his own body.

I am a mother with many children. I can't go to work because there isn't one. Businesses are closed. It is impossible to get a job in cities near the line of fire at all.