Nataliia is the cousin of Kateryna Savenko, who lived in Mariupol and kept a diary from February 24 to March 29, which was published in the Museum of Civilian Voices. On March 29, Katia's husband, Vitalii, was killed in the shelling of the yard. He was 47 years old. After receiving severe injuries, the woman hid in a hospital with her daughter for several days. 

"My sister didn't eat anything for six days because her jaw was broken. She could not get medical help – there were no doctors anymore. My sister fought for her life to the last. Even when the hospital was hit by a shell and caught fire, Katia jumped out of the second floor despite her broken arm and leg to avoid being burned alive. She was lying under the hospital windows for another day until her mother found her. Unfortunately, on April 4, her heart stopped. Katia is 42 years old forever", – her cousin Natalia said.