Stream: How to keep up with the speed of life?

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How does permanent stress, anxiety, war trauma and the COVID-19 pandemic affect the pace of life of Donbass residents? How to retain control over the situation and move forward? These and other questions from the audience were answered by a certified gestalt therapist, family psychologist Kateryna Vepro.

The guest of the program broadcast explained that anxiety, stress and constant threat to life, certainly, have negative effect on the psychological state of civilians in Donbass. Over time, this effect only intensifies; in particular, it also affects the pace of their lives. It is very important to continue doing what people used to do before the war.

In addition, Kateryna Vepro shared some simple tips that will help people keep pace with the speed of life and retain control over their situation. First, it is planning. Secondly, it is quality rest. Third, sometimes we need to slow down our usual pace of life. That is, it is important to maintain this balance.

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