Stream: Why is it dangerous to ignore the war trauma?

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Why is it dangerous to ignore the war trauma? How to deal with sleep disturbance, social and family problems associated with the war trauma? What is the signal of psychiatric disorders or disturbances in children?

These and other questions were answered by a certified gestalt therapist, family psychologist Kateryna Vepro.

The expert noted that the lockdown because of the coronavirus, the risk of contracting the disease and the consequences of COVID-19 had a negative effect on the emotional state of people who live in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. According to her, people gradually learned how to live in the conditions in which they found themselves as a result of the hostilities, began to somehow rebuild their lives, and now again a large-scale trauma and life change due to COVID-19 befell them.

Kateryna Vepro also spoke about one of the useful techniques for people in traumatic circumstances. It is called a “safe place”. You can learn more about this psychological technique by watching this video.

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