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Valentina Karpenko

"In six months, I lost my husband and son"

views: 924

In six months I lost my husband and son. The son was blown up on a tractor when he went out to field to mow grass. And my husband could not survive the loss of his son.

Now I live with my daughter-in-law and two children. It is unrealistic to feed them in the village on the frontline, because there is no work, and they shoot constantly. When we receive benefits and pensions, we decide: whether to buy children some clothes, or to eat something.

They shoot often. Recently there was the shelling of the "Grad" as I was giving to drink to calves. I fell and lay with fear, afraid to get up. They fired strongly. And it seemed to me that everything was flying to my house.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Gnutovo 2017 Text Civilian's stories
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