I took Karina out of Yenakiyevo back in 2014, when she had frequent epilepsy attacks due to the shelling. Once, she got to intensive care after a seizure.

She couldn't tell me anything, she was just laying there and I just prayed for my baby to get up.

Seven years ago, Karina was diagnosed with several terrible diseases. She cannot live a day without pills. It was especially terrible in Yenakiyevo, when there were attacks. I spent a week in the basement with my four children. We didn't have money for medicine, I was in despair. I couldn't see my children suffer.

I braced myself, told myself that I could do it - and I did it. I took them away. We came to Bakhmut and settled in someone else's house. But now we dream not of prosperity, but of health for Karina. Thanks to medicines from the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, her condition has improved. She can go back to school, but in the meantime, she studies at home on an individual program.