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Viktoria Zykova

"I was sitting in the cellar with an eight-month-old baby"

views: 1361

As they say, I went through fire and water. My garden was flooded by a flood, and the "Grads" were also torn up there. Together with the children, we hid in the basement. It is unclear whether the dam was blown up or just burst – the water began to flood. And then "Grads" began to fall.

What parent would take responsibility for putting a child's life in danger? Those who got to school were met with dark classrooms – there was no electricity, the windows were covered with plywood boards.

I was sitting in the cellar with an eight-month-old baby. This is our only bomb shelter. When the water came in the garden, we were afraid that it [the cellar] could get flooded, too.

The projectiles broke the electrical wires, and there was no light in all Avdiivka. I have three children, and living on the front line and in the dark is doubly scary. When we have electricity, it is somehow not so terrible. And when there was no light, when there was flooding and “Grads”, my child was very scared. He was crying and shocked. Ilya is seven years old, and he didn't go to school last week because of the shelling.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Avdiivka 2017 Text Civilian's stories
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