Tetiana's confession is about her constant survival in the occupation. 636 days of fighting for herself. Russians captured Novokarlivka village, where the woman lived, during the early days of the full-scale invasion. Most of those who stayed in the village are elderly people. The electricity disappeared right away, and later water as well. Gas cylinder was very helpful. The most difficult situation was with medicines and foodstuffs. Tetiana and her neighbors survived the first year using reserves of flour, honey and sugar. After shells killed almost all the chickens, they used the meat for stew.

Russians turned the village into a fortified area, dug dugouts next to almost every house and mined all the fields in the surrounding areas. The roof was blown off Tetiana's house during a shelling, the woman herself narrowly escaped death. She left only because she had nowhere to live. Tetiana travelled a difficult path to cross the borders and reach the territory controlled by Ukraine. And her neighbor, a fellow villager, didn't make the journey, her bad legs let her down. She remained in the occupied territory.