When my mother and father-in-law got together, they never quarrelled. We got over all the bad things together. Everything was fine. We go to the cemetery to visit our mother and pay our respect. Soon it will be three years since she passed away. We never quarrel. We help each other, that's it. If I don't have anything, whether it's money or something else, he helps me. I come to visit him. I help clean the house, cook some food. I do everything I can to help. I won’t leave him alone.

There are four people living next door. I'm here alone. It is scary, but where should I go, where should I spend the night? My stepfather doesn't have a place to spend the night, so.

Here is the place of the shelling attack. Here's the bullet mark. Things have been destroyed. This is where the bullet hit. I wasn’t at home at that time. Well, when I came here, I was terrified, because everything was already broken. Well, there are also windows in the bedroom that were broken and the balcony was taken out – two shells fell there.

Here the tap. There is no water, because it has frozen. I have to go to the community facility to get it fixed. The gas stove doesn't work here. It is January, so it is cold. The heating is off. The room temperature is only 5 °C. It's very cold, there's nothing to warm up with, no heating, no gas. I can only turn on the gas to keep the heat going, but there's nothing. There is only an oil heater, but it does not heat, because there are drafts everywhere from broken windows and the balcony. Well, I'm here alone in this entrance. I can’t heat the whole house.

This is my son Vitalik. When the war started, he moved to Zaporizhzhia. And the other son who hasn't got married yet is in Krasnoarmiisk. I miss them. I do

The son hid in the bathroom. Fragments were everywhere. He closed the door, but the blast wave was so strong! A friend and I were sitting on a bench. When she saw it, she said, "Natasha!" I looked up and fell quickly.  I was thrown away by a blast wave to the wall. I was standing there shouting.The windows broke, the walls were shaking, we had several shells on the roof.

When I'm cold, I go to be. I moved it here to my room. I have a terry robe, which helps me get warm. I put on my fleece trousers, a hat, lie down and cover myself with a blanket.  Once I get warm, I fall asleep. I can’t do it otherwise - it is too cold. When I get up, the tap freezes…