Almost two months, Daria and her sister hid from the shelling in a small bathroom. She recalls that at that time it was the only safe place in her grandmother's apartment. Russian troops captured Balakliia on March 3, 2022. The city was under occupation for more than six months. It was then that Daria's parents were offered to send their eldest daughter as far away from the war as possible: to a camp in the Krasnodar Territory for health improvement. While the child stayed in russia, Balakliia was liberated by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The family tried to bring Dasha home. In vain! Then they asked volunteers and international organizations for help. With the support of UNICEF, a group of parents (14 families) managed to take their children out.

The girl told her story during her stay at the "Blogger Camp". It was organized by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation in collaboration with the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada.