The worst feeling a person can have is fear. After all, it makes you afraid, feel unprotected and leaves terrible memories.

Everyone has own fears. Someone is afraid of heights, darkness, loneliness, fire… And why? Haven't you thought about it? Because fear protects a person, makes it clear that there is no need to go there. You won't do what you're afraid to do. Of course, there are people who overcome their fears, but this is not always good, especially since it is impossible to overcome all fears.

For example, I am afraid of losing the people closest to me – my family. This fear came to me four years ago, when the terrible war began. I was nine years old, I couldn't imagine what war was, because I had never heard of war before.

I did not want it, but the war came to Donetsk. Shells started flying, hitting schools, hospitals, and homes.

Then my parents sent me to the camp so that I wouldn't see all this horror. In fact, I really enjoyed the camp, I didn't think about was. I stayed in the camp for four months and celebrated my birthday there.

But summer was over and I had to leave for my city of Donetsk. Unfortunately, things got much worse. Our family couldn't leave the city – we were evacuated. At that moment, I was very afraid of losing my loved ones, because about 5,000 people died, and I was very scared.

But still, I'm happy, because none of my relatives died. I am truly sorry for those who died and their relatives.

I made the following conclusion from this situation. I realized thanks to the war that one needs to appreciate work, respect, thank people, because one it may end. Live, enjoy today and every moment.