During the period of intense shelling, I lived in Pervomaisk, Luhansk region. And one day I couldn't get to work for the reason that the shelling of the city began and it was impossible to go out on the street.

All people left their habitable apartments and went down to new places of habitation – basements.

The attacks were endless, the fear for the lives of loved ones and their own lives settled near and in every person.

Children. It was especially scary for them. Lack of understanding and inability to explain and protect them from the fear of explosions, lack of food and water. I lived with my daughter and little grandson, who was only six months old at the time.

The decision to leave was made – and we began to look for this opportunity. Suddenly the door of salvation opened. We took the documents and left. Fear for the life of our daughter and grandson drove us forward. The shells exploded. It is impossible to describe all the horror we experienced.

But the problems of later life did not leave us. When we arrived in Horske, we were looking for housing, but we had difficulties with money.

In the most difficult moment, Rinat Akhmetov Foundation helped us – we are very grateful to the people who help. Bright thoughts that one day life will stabilize and peace will come, allows us to see the sky above our heads. We hope that one day we will return home and everything we have experienced will be just memories.