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Nadezhda Mozharovskaya

"The war seems to be catching up with us"

views: 925

Our house was destroyed; all property was destroyed. Only walls remained from the house when two shells hit it. Because of the shelling, we left Avdeevka.

 But in the neighboring village of Ocheretino, where we live, it didn’t get better. We lack money even for the bare necessities. Besides, the youngest son needs expensive treatment. We have agreed with the owners of property that we will pay only the basic rent.

Our sons - Maxim and Dima, constantly hold on to each other, especially after, they left home. And the war seems to be catching up. Last winter, the children almost died. They decided to walk along the edge of the village, and all of a sudden the shelling began. If something happened to them, I would not have survived.

Junior Maxim is hard to bear such shocks. I am so afraid that his illness will deteriorate. Before the war, he was diagnosed with anemia. He needs special nutrition and expensive medications that increase the level of iron in his body.

 To help my son, I take on any work. I walk along the street; look to which old lady they deliver coal. If she cannot bring it in, I help. So I can earn 100-200 hryvnia. I also look after a bed confined old lady. We also receive humanitarian assistance   from the Headquarters of Rinat Akhmetov.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Ocheretino 2014 Text Civilian's stories
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