From the spacious house we had to move to a shared apartment. We urgently took the 15-year-old daughter out of the war zone. Katya suffers from epilepsy, and stress exacerbates seizures. Due to her illness, the daughter became very withdrawn and afraid of people.

 We have been living in a shared apartment for four years. Getting used to it was difficult. We, in Kominternovo, had a house of one hundred square meters, everything was proper. But we are ready to endure inconvenience for the sake of our daughter’s health.

Before the war, epilepsy rarely remind us of itself, we didn’t even contact doctors, we thought that the child’s body could handle it. But, when the shelling began, the child's condition deteriorated sharply. 

After the examinations, the doctors concluded that all this was aggravated by nervous condition. We lived in Kominternovo (now Pikuzy) , when there were combats, we were in the basement. 

Katya saw hoses falling apart and civilians suffering. School and kindergarten were completely destroyed - by shelling of "Grads".

In order for the disease to recede, the daughter needs expensive medications, which cost about 4500 hryvnias for three months. This is a huge amount for our family, because we rent housing, I do not work, because I look after the sick child, and my husband’s salary would not be enough even for one course of treatment.