“The echo of war is not the most pleasant thing a child can hear”

    Peace is the time when you do not need to be afraid that a shell can hit you while you are sleeping or waking up. 

My friends and I often went to the railroad and counted the train carriages. There was a small pond not far from our place, and my friends and I regularly went fishing there. We made some self-made fishing rods, caught some lizards there, and then frightened girls with them. It was a very good time. It is a pity that it all turned out that way. I would very much like to go back there and spend time with my friends. 

The echo of the war is not the most pleasant thing a child can hear at such a young age. Therefore, my mum and dad decided, probably for me not to have a childhood trauma due to the war, to take me away from hostilities. I heard and saw how armoured vehicles drove, how hundreds of tanks drove along the roads of our city, where we used to just drive a car. It was very scary, and of course, this rumbling did not let us sleep. We thought of only one thing – if only something bad did not start.

   In fact, it did change me a lot, and the move had its effect on many things. For example, if I had not moved then, I would not, how to put it, would not develop my talents. Because of those tanks, I got such a little, a kind of desire, or... I began to fancy the military topic and all that. It also influenced me a lot. I used to love watching cartoons, but literally a year later, two years later, I became interested in what war is and how people survive in it.