In 1986, Tetiana rescued victims of the Chornobyl explosion. 36 years later, she rescued those affected by the enemy's invasion of the Kyiv region. There was no thought of leaving; she knew she had to help people. An anesthesiologist at Ohamatdyt, Tetiana, remembers how the glass in the operating theatre shook from the explosions in the early days.

We moved to a safer place. I used to walk to work, spending two hours. At home, I had a husband who needed to be given intravenous drips and a seriously ill mother who also needed care. All this combined in a seemingly endless struggle for people's lives. There were also tears when a guy the same age as Tetiana's daughter ended up on the operating table with terrible injuries. Huge queues at pharmacies to buy the necessary medicines.

In the end, Tetiana made it through and continues to save people today. She is inspired by her colleagues from her hospital who are at the frontline. They are an example of resilience and dedication for Tetiana.