We have a small corridor. There was a storeroom on this side and a barn on the other. Then the war broke out and all this shooting began. The ground shook from all that noise and blast waves. One wall of the house was displaced. In 2014, we did nothing about it, because we had no money. And in 2015, we just couldn't hold it any longer. We did some repairs, but shooting started again, and the walls got cracks.

We could buy everything we wanted until 2015. We thought, "Oh, it is only money?" We bought a bath, toilet, and a boiler. They wanted to install water mains. We didn't have a well. So we went to the neighbors' to get some water. We thought to make a well for ourselves. Well, we had to postpone that idea in this situation.
The child said, "Mum, when are we going to the sea?" However, that was impossible. We had no money for that. So where should we go? It is so scary. Tomorrow she is going to Soledar. This is a planned school trip. In January, the school planned to take them to the water park in Kharkiv. Well, there weren't many kids whose parents could afford it. Tickets cost UAH 1,100. They didn't go. Luckily, the tomorrow's trip hasn't been cancelled. Let them go and have some fun. There is nothing here anyway.

Only school classes, nothing else. We only have two hardware stores, and that's it. The collective farm is still there, but there are no cows there. They were all slaughtered.
We have no water in the village, only imported drinking water. We get water from a tractor once a week, every Monday. Garbage is collected once a fortnight. No one really needs us any more. The village seems deserted. It is impossible to get a job.

Everything changed a lot during the war. Everyone became angry. Everyone's mental health is disturbed. The children take it worst of all. It is very hard. People become unmanageable. My daughter has become rude. She wasn't like that before, but now she's changed a lot. People should all get closer. We all should be friendly. On the contrary, people have become very angry, aggressive.