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Nadezhda Kuleshova

"We were transporting our son out of Debaltsevo in a critical condition"

views: 1018

We are migrants from Debaltsevo.

We were transporting our son out of Debaltsevo in a critical condition

I still remember with horror what we had to go through. For example, Grad [shell] fell 10 meters from our window. My grandmother died. And I can't see my mother because she's still there and I'm here, in Bakhmut. Many of friends left or died.

My son Yura was saved in intensive care dozens of times. He has epilepsy – and the strongest convulsions are deadly. The child had to be treated with drugs with narcotic substances, now he is behind in development.

The first convulsions started at 1 year 9 months, when I put him to bed. Before that, my son was completely healthy, and I did not know what epilepsy was. After each attack – resuscitation, Yura's hands and feet got numb….

We tansported Yura out of Debaltsevo in a critical condition. We had no pharmacies, no hospitals, no ambulances. We have run out of all medications for our son. He was getting very ill.

In Bakhmut, Yura immediately went to intensive care. We spent all our savings on his treatment.

We were transporting our son out of Debaltsevo in a critical condition

If we didn't have help with medication, we would have been on the street a long time ago, because we would have nothing to pay for a rented apartment.

When quoting a story, a reference to the source – the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – is mandatory, as follows:

The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Debaltseve 2015 Text Civilian's stories
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