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Svitlana Moskalenko

"It is scary, but we didn't have a chance to leave"

views: 998

My 14-year-old son Nikita's dreams are not the same as those of his peers.

It is scary, but we didn't have a chance to leave

He says that he wants to finish his studies, find a job, and help his family. War is war. One does not get used to it, it's a dangerous time. Children understand that they have to deprive themselves of a lot of things now. They don't think much about games and entertainment. They know that one can only rely on himself.

There is danger at every turn. Although the scenery around is picturesque, there are shell craters everywhere. The shells landed directly here, the hiss and roar was terrible. But we survived!

We have a large family, and our economy is a great help to rare earnings. In the village, there is only a farm, but it is on the verge of closing. The mood is now very panicky because the farm, which employs 75 people, will be closed. People don't know where to go.

During the first three years of hostilities, more than half of the adult population of Novoselivka left. Friends and acquaintances of our children left. But despite the fact that we do not have a job and there is a war nearby, we cannot leave our home. We had fear and uncertainty, but there was no way to leave like the others. It is scary, of course… But where should we go?

When quoting a story, a reference to the source – the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – is mandatory, as follows:

The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Novoselovka 2017 Text Civilian's stories
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