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Raisa Humenna

"I fear the time when winter comes"

views: 1119

I live half-starving in a ruined house on the outskirts of the city. The only utility I have left is electricity. Diabetes has been bothering my body for several years. First, I lost my toes on both feet, then my leg had to be amputated completely. Because of the stress, I constantly have ulcers on the leg.

I fear the time when winter comes

The older son died, and the younger one had left. I'm being looked after by an 80-year-old neighbour Anna. She brings water and food, but she doesn't have the strength for more.

I get humanitarian packages I can live on for a month. However, even this food was stolen from me. The thief broke into my house easily. There is not a single lock, so he took a loaf of bread and a bag of food from the table and ran away. We have nothing left. Now I have to hide food so that no one comes in and steals it.

I can't leave the house because of the size of my wheelchair. I live only on my memories when I was a primary school teacher. I imagine how I don't need a wheelchair, and my family surrounds me. 

I fear the time when winter comes. I only hope for the help of philanthropists and other caring people.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
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