In occupied Mariupol, Oleksii and his family fled to the Left Bank. He recalls how they got water and food, how they were on the verge of survival, and how they could die every day because of powerful shelling. 

“We took water from heating systems and drained it from the school's radiators. And one day we woke up and realised that the school was gone. 

My city no longer exists. 

I saw a lot of burnt houses and equipment. Near the evacuation center, orcs were handing out cookies. There was almost no water. 

There was a lot of shelling. I realised there was nowhere to hide. We were looking for medicine near the hospital because we had newborn babies in the basement. The bombing started. First, my father and I jumped into a basement compartment, then ran to the hospital to wait. People were very scared. 

It was very scary when I went outside with my dad and heard machine gun fire. Panic. Where to run to? We could have been killed,” said Oleksii, the resident of Mariupol.