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Dima Kypko

"The worst moments were in 2014-2015-2016-2017»

views: 1213

When there was no war, I went for a walk with my friends, who are now gone to other cities. Then the war started and the shelling started. People began to die: adults, children and the elderly. When the war started, my whole life flew before my eyes.

Life changed because the shelling started. I have seen children, old people, and adults cry over the loss of loved ones, friends, and a roof over their heads.

My godmother Tanya lives on Petrivka, where there are fierce battles. A grad shell landed on her doorstep. The worst moments were in 2014-2015-2016-2017.

One of them took place in 2014. When they captured the settlement of Starobeshevo. We were driving and heard loud explosions and whistles. My grandfather drove to the middle of the village and turned around, because he felt that we might not get home.

On the way, we saw an old lady who was crying near her broken and burned house. She was standing with the dog. On the way to the village, we saw the armored cars blown up.

When they hit Donetsk with air forces, many people and children were killed that day.

My mother came under fire at the Sokol market. A lot of blood was spilled in Donbas.

There were also cases when there were attacks. There was a seizure of the Police Department, and we live near it. There was a very heavy shot from machine guns, anti-aircraft guns. And when the war started, some of my friends left for Kyiv and other countries. I miss them very much.

We applied to the Humanitarian Center because we learned about the "Peaceful summer for children of Donbass" from friends. And we wanted to go to this camp. Thanks Rinat Akhmetov for his great help.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Donetsk 2014 Text Civilian's stories
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