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Tetiana Smirnova

"Fragments scattered for tens of meters, and the dog got killed in the yard"

views: 1177

 Our house was hit by a Grad shell during the shelling attack on 18 December 2017. That day my husband and our two children were in the house. Fragments scattered dozens of meters, and the dog got killed in the yard. Our minibus turned into a pile of scrap metal.

 That evening I and my son were returning from the Community Center and we barely had time to take shelter. When we ran home, we saw the Grad racket fall under the wall of the house and explode. A few meters further and it would hit the bedroom where his husband was sitting...

 Now we have a carpet in our living room instead of a door. Shortly before the attack, we completed renovation works: we replaced wallpaper, linoleum, furniture… We invested in this house for seven years, and now we have to start all over again. At first, I was even afraid to come here. I was constantly haunted by a sense of danger.

 The whole family used to gather in the family room. We would play chess, read books. We spent the entire evening in that room before the attack happened. If the attack had been a day earlier, we would not have spoken to you.

Our life changed after that day. Once they start shooting, we immediately run to the cellar. We have to skimp to save money to restore the house.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Novoluhanske 2017 Text Civilian's stories
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