Now it’s not easy for me to cross the threshold of my home, and the hardest thing is to be in a room that was once a children’s room.
That morning there was shelling, the children were in the basement of the school. No one knows where the fire started in the house. In the fire, my 90-year-old mother and youngest son, Bogdan, who was eight years old, were burned alive. I was absent only for 40 minutes - to take my eldest son to school. When I returned, the house was already burning.
The cause of the fire was never established, but most likely it was due to the shelling. Now I have only photos left ... The eldest son, 10-year-old Sasha, is seriously troubled by the loss of his brother.

From the first days of the war, our life has been a constant struggle for existence. I rent a house on the same street where our house burned out. There wasn’t enough money for more, not a dime. We try to save on everything to find the way out. What can I do?