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Sofia Stavytska

“My hope to return to Mariupol is melting day by day”

views: 117

In Mariupol, Sofia and her family that includes her husband and two kids had to survive.

“On 16th of March, our friend left and we needed to save our life too, because russians were shelling us constantly, particularly from the air planes.

I drove the car. Before that, we’d never tried to move, because we did not have any information. We were in the basement till the 16th of March. We did not visit our home, because we were scared that there could be mines. Kadyrov’s troops lived there and the valuables were gone.

We evacuated, but my father-in-law stayed in Mariupol, he is traumatologist at the local hospital. There were many wounded there, the hospital was also shelled, there was not enough water and food, and many doctors had left the city. The hospital was under occupation”, says Sofia, a citizen of Mariupol.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Mariupol 2022 2023 Video Civilian's stories women men children moving psychological injury shelling safety and life support water health housing non-food products families with two or more children children internally displaced persons the first day of the war shelling of Mariupol Food Separation from loved ones occupation
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