“Our boy isn’t alive anymore… Our kind and radiant boy!” – that’s how Mykhaylo, shot by the occupiers, is remembered by the people who knew him.

An ordinary Ukrainian teenager – a loving son, a true friend – he had his whole life ahead of him.

“It was his mother who was shopping every time, but this time he asked for permission to go, he was asking for it so much,” – an acquaintance recollects.

“Misha was a good and kind friend to my son!” – says the mother of Misha’s friend.

On 15 April, Mykhaylo and his friend went to the grocery store because bread and flour were brought to the village of Havrylivka (Beryslav district, Kherson region). They saw the Russian military with their submachine guns, got scared, and started running. Mykhaylo was shot and taken in an unknown direction.

His mother was hoping to find him in the hospital, yet found him in the morgue.

A story from the instagram of the Victims of russia channel.