My name is Veronika. I was nine years old when the war started.  I was in shock, because I had never heard shells explode, and I didn't know where to run or what to take with me when the city was being shelled. I lost a lot of friends because of the war.

Once we had an explosive wave – immediately all the windows fell down, the ceiling fell. I was at school then, and we were evacuated. I was very scared. My family and I wanted to leave, but we couldn't.

All this lasted  for two years, and we were getting used to it. A lot of people I knew died. These two years have been very terrible. I don't remember them because I was so scared.

I miss my relatives, friends, acquaintances. And to date, they still shoot. Sometimes I want to quit everything and commit suicide… But I'm used to it.

In Donetsk, shells hit homes, schools, shops, and hospitals. A shell exploded over my friend's house, having injured five people. From the nine-story building there was a seven-story building left. I was very sorry for the airport. I was very scared.