My daughter Olena Kizim died at the age of 38, in May 2015. We buried her under fire. You can't always come to the cemetery, because of the constant shooting attacks.

Lena's life was taken by pneumonia. Daughter became ill in the autumn of 2014. Due to the lack of medicines in the city, she did not complete a full course of treatment. She was never allowed to get too cold, but the shelling constantly forced her to hide in the entrance vestibule. She was freezing on the mattresses on the floor. The treatment idea was never discussed. We had so many problems. We could sit up all night, being afraid of these attacks.

We buried our daughter to the firing sounds

Because of the constant shelling, the doctors drove 40 minutes to Olena's house, which is located near the airport. They couldn't save her. Her heart failed her. There was a pulmonary edema – and the heart stopped.

All this happened in front of my granddaughter's eyes. Anya could not recover from the stress for six months. To get her back to life as soon as possible, my father Vitalii decided to take her to my place.

Now no one lives in their apartment for almost a year. Vitalii can't come to this house, because everything reminds of the terrible may day when his Lena died.