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Dariya Berezhna

“The city of my dreams is when there is no curfew”

views: 1255

Hi, my name is Dariya. I am 12 years old. I'm about to be in Grade 7. I live in the city of Donetsk, but this is not my dream city. I really want to live in Kyiv. I had many friends, relatives and acquaintances  in Donetsk before. When the war started, almost everyone left. All my reliable and faithful friends have left for Kyiv.

It is very disappointing that people whom you knew long before left for another city due to the military actions.

And the the fact that you cannot influence the circumstances was the most hurtful.

So what city is perfect for me? Let us think and dream a little.

I do know that 'my' city has many parks, playgrounds, green trees and bushes, cinemas, shopping centers, entertainment venues with a rollerdrome, exercise machines, slides and obstacle courses. Rope parks and small cafes in which free tea will be distributed in winter and ice cream in summer.

I also want this city to have no curfew time.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Donetsk 2014 Text Civilian's stories
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