I am a mother with many children. Currently I am a mother of six children. At the time of the war, I had four children and was pregnant with my fifth son. When the war started, I was in Horlivka. At that time, nothing indicated  to trouble. It was July 27, and the children were walking on the street. Suddenly there was an explosion, screams. The children were frightened.

This was not new to me. This was the second war for me. In 1992, I lived in Abkhazia. We were also bombed when I was a teenager. I knew how to react to the attacks. I  started shouting: "Children, on the floor!”

The first bombing took place for us without destruction. I didn't think about going anywhere. There was no place to go. We were hiding with the kids in the basement. Then it got scarier. We  didn't come out of the basement with the kids for a week. We finished our supplies.

Then the neighbors got into trouble. A shell hit the house. A 16-year-old son and a young daughter were killed. The basement didn't save them. I was hysterical, the kids were in shock.

It was August 4. I gathered the children, took a bag of things and went to the train station. They said that people were being taken out there. When we were running, shells exploded behind us. We arrived at the train station, half-lying, dirty from the dust.

I was terrified. The whole station was broken, burned. There were no buses, it was whistling overhead. Then the bus - panic, everyone rushed to take their seats. We barely got in. We sat down without even asking where we were going. It was all the same, as long as it was away from the fear.

I am writing and my hands are trembling and tears are flowing  when I remember all this.

On the way, I learned that we were going to Pokrovsk, formerly Chervonoarmiisk. They brought us to the church and gave the children tea. The asked: "Where will you live?» I was standing and crying, there was nowhere to live.

They put us in a hostel, paid  for us, and brought us food. The children were happy. "Mom, is there any shooting here?" was their first question. I sidy, " No."

Then they found us a house. I've been living there for three years. I registered immediately in social security.

They call and say: come and get aid. I came running with joy, I didn't know what kind of aid it was. Here they give five packages from Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. There is no limit to joy. It was a great support for me.

For three years, this has been a very big help for me. Thanks to Rinat Leonidovich. God grant him health and joy.