Hi, friend! Do you remember those difficult years? What were the difficulties, and what how difficult was  life at that time? How my mother and I could not leave for a long time, and we also were sitting for a long time day and night in the basement. But at last we left.

It took me a long time to get used to the way we go from city to city. But most of all at that time I wanted to get home as soon as possible. And yet, we can't go there because of the war that separated me from home and took away a happy and happy childhood. Which began in August 2014 – and I left, not knowing until the end what war is.

And I want to wish other children that they were not caught in the war and their childhood did not turn into grief, but into joy and happiness!

I don't want to see the future in war and sorrow, but in joy and happiness. After all, peace is the most important thing for children!