There are 13 children in our family. We are living under shelling, but we have nowhere to go. Children are frightened to go to school, and my wife recently suffered a stroke.

The shelling in our house smashed glass, flew out mosquito nets. One evening we went to bed. Shooting began - the children got frightened and cried. The house was filled with gunpowder gases, we started to panic. We ran to the basement. We gave the children some sedative there.

We barely survived, I did not receive a salary for six months, and it was impossible to feed 13 children on social benefits. For example, we cook soup in a 12-liter bowl, it is enough for a day. A kilogram of sugar is enough for the same amount.
The shelling is heard every night, it calms down during the day, but it's still scary. There is nowhere to go - we will not be able to rent a large house anywhere, and this one was donated by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.