My sister Zora has lost her sight and can barely see. She came to visit us a few weeks before the war started from Makiivka. She didn't have chance to go home. Moreover, she had nowhere to go and no one to go to.

Our sister, who lived in Khartsyzk, died; our brother, who worked in the mine in Makiivka, also died. My husband died in 2009, and I recently buried my son. We were separated from the rest of our relatives by war.

The night before last was very restless… Explosions were heard everywhere. I locked up the house and sat next to my sister.

I don't leave my yard, it's too dangerous. They say that mines are everywhere. People are always afraid. Besides, I can't leave Zora for long. We need to make sure that she takes her medication and eats on time. We often cook our national Tatarian dish – Chebureki.