Artem was killed near Kyiv, while saving his parents. Having sent his wife and daughter to a safe place, Artem wanted to find his parents and get them out of the village of Myrotske. Then, he intended to join the territorial defense forces, which didn’t accept him when he went to them first.

Myrotske is near Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel, and Vorzel, right in the area where ferocious combats were. He couldn’t get in touch with his family for several days. When he got to his native village, he saw it on fire, besieged by the enemy machinery.

He ran to his family home, but the shelling started. Artem died, but he managed to record a voice message to his colleagues, asking them to take care of his family.

Before the war, Artem had been working in Nova Poshta for four years, and had been a manager of the Sales Department, cooperating with strategic clients. His colleagues remember him as a kind person and a professional in his business. He was sensible, took well-considered decisions, but wasn’t afraid of launching new challenging projects. He loved sport, and he ran 42 km marathon.

Rest in peace!

A story from the instagram of the Victims of russia channel.