During the heaviest shelling of Kapitanivka, 7-year-old grandson of Svіtlana Serovetnik found her icons and covered himself with them.

"Before March 30, a curfew was announced for two days. We were not allowed to leave our houses or basements, and we were not allowed to light braziers. And we obeyed," says Svіtlana. "And my grandson gathered small icons of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. And he covered himself with these icons. When they put him to bed, he covered himself with these icons, and he asked me not to read "Our Father", but to sing. I sang to him. Then he would wake up if I stopped singing, he would wake up and ask me to sing again. That's how much faith the child has. And we had faith, and we all prayed. We believed that the enemy would eventually retreat from here. We are near Kyiv. And it cannot be that the enemy will be allowed to capture us."