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Games helping to stabilize the psycho-emotional state of children of various ages

Ігри для стабілізації психоемоційного стану дітей різного віку

UNICEF, together with psychologist Svitlana Roiz, offer some games that help not only to have some fun time with children, but are also useful for stabilizing their psycho-emotional state.

Returning the contact with reality
Offer the children a game — name some colours and ask the children to find them around them on the street/outside (name the objects that will be both above and below, so that children could look in different directions, on their clothes/shoes, could touch them) — their oculomotor nerve needs to be activated.

If you are at home, offer your children a quick quest
Choose a small word. On separate pieces of paper, write one letter of this word on each and the place where to look for the next letter. Put the pieces of paper in various places. Leave some small surprise/gift with the last piece. Ask the children to find the letters, read them out, and put the letters together into the word. Arrange it in a way to keep the children on the move, coming into contact with different surfaces and moving in different directions. This way, you involve their speaking ability, their visual channel, spatial orientation, the process of analysis and assembly, as well as the feeling of victory at the end of the game, when they find everything and receive dopamine from the gift. 

Experts also advise on how you can engage with the children’s sensory organs in the format of a game:

🟢Tactile sensing. Tie something nice and pleasant to the touch to your hand, wrap yourself in a soft blanket, spread around objects of various shapes, and ask the child to turn away, touch these objects, and name them.

🟢Sense of vision. Circle a profile created by the shadow on the glass or draw a portrait with a marker, putting the glass close to the face (for example, a glass from a photo frame). This exercise also helps to hold out, endure, and maintain contact. Warn the children that the resulting portraits are going to look funny.

🟢Sound. You can use musical instruments, surfaces, or objects made of various materials. With their eyes closed (or them turned away), ask the children to name what instruments you use to make those sounds. Ask them to repeat the rhythm after you, and then repeat the rhythm after the children.

🟢Taste. You can cut some pieces of an apple, banana, tangerine, cheese, and carrots. Next, the child needs to guess and distinguish by taste what kind of food item it is.

🟢Smell. Similarly, you can offer the children to distinguish some flavours.


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