The Kyiv History Museum is hosting the exhibition “Diaries of the Civilians: Voices of those who survived and those who did not”. This is a documentary project of the Museum of Civilian Voices founded by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, which collects and stores the world’s largest collection of first-hand accounts of the war in Ukraine. So far, the Museum has collected more than 120,000 stories. 

As part of the exhibition, a public interview with Guido Heisig, a German pilot, artist and author of the art book Silent Heroes, took place. This is a collection of stories about ordinary Ukrainians whose lives were forever changed by the war. In this edition, Guido uses illustrations and texts to convey the experiences and strength of spirit of Ukrainians who witnessed the horrors of war.  

Public interviews as part of the documentary project “Diaries of the Civilians: Voices of those who survived and those who did not” are part of a series of cultural events of the Museum of Civilian Voices founded by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation aimed at preserving the memory of the war. 

Read the full text of the interview with Guido Heisig for the Museum of Civilian Voices at the link.