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Stories that you confided to us

Second anniversary of the full-scale invasion and a decade of war: Rinat Akhmetov Foundation stands by those who need help

For two years, Ukrainians have been fiercely fighting the full-scale invasion of russia, and for ten years now, they have been fighting russian aggression on our land. Since the first days of the war that broke out in 2014, Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has been and remains by the side of those who find themselves in the most difficult circumstances: providing food, medicines, medical treatment and rehabilitation, and psychological support. Over the past two years, this assistance has been scaled up to cover the whole of Ukraine.

Over the decade of the Ukrainian people's fight against the Russian invasion, the Foundation has provided comprehensive assistance and support to those who need it most:

- 13.2 million food parcels with essential foodstuffs have been delivered to civilians on the frontline, in the frontline areas, and to internally displaced persons across Ukraine.

- more than 90,000 hygiene kits were distributed to residents and IDPs.

- the Foundation donated 800,000 units of medicines and haemocontainers to medical institutions in Ukraine and to the public.

- 11,000 people received targeted medical assistance.

- 1,000 heaters were delivered to places of compact residence of IDPs.

- 47 thousand people were evacuated and resettled.

The Foundation provides psychological assistance and psychological and physical rehabilitation to adults and children, among others:

- 149 rehabilitation courses were held for children injured in the hostilities.

- Nearly 4,900 children had a rest and recuperation in a children's camp as part of the Peaceful Recreation for Children of Ukraine project.

- 591 thousand people received comprehensive psychological assistance from the Foundation.

More than 100,000 stories have been collected in the Museum of Civilian Voices of Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, which is the world's largest archive of stories of Ukrainian civilians affected by the war.

The assistance is provided under the Rinat Akhmetov Saving Lives programme.

Since 2014, more than 18 million people have benefited from the assistance provided by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, SCM businesses and Shakhtar Football Club.

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