A new shift of the project Rinat Akhmetov for Children. Peaceful holidays for children of Ukraine were launched for boys and girls under the age of 18 who have been affected by the war in Ukraine.

Among the participants of this change are children who were illegally taken to russia and managed to return to their homeland. In cooperation with the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation is the first in Ukraine to provide psychological rehabilitation, recreation, and health improvement to these children who need a qualified, caring, and attentive approach to communication and recovery.

For years, the Foundation has been systematically helping children from vulnerable social categories, boys and girls, who have experienced trauma and upheaval due to the war. Therefore, as in previous editions of the Blogger Camp, this time, the project also included orphans or half-orphans, children under guardianship; children who lost their parents during the war; and children with psychological trauma and in need of socialisation.

The Blogger Camp shifts are not only about rest and recreation but also about useful knowledge and practical workshops. Representatives of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will join the winter session and hold a mine safety workshop for children. It is difficult to overestimate its relevance, as the war is ongoing, and even after the Victory, the country's demining is expected to take years.

The young people who participate in the Blogger Camp spend a lot of time doing various outdoor activities, engaging in creative work, mastering blogging skills, meeting new friends, and receiving professional psychological help.

The psychologists who will help the guests of the winter session have been trained under the War Trauma programme developed by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. The children will also be accompanied by a rehabilitation doctor who will work with the physical manifestations of psychological trauma.

After each Blogger Camp shift, the children return home with pleasant impressions and fond memories. They feel a significant improvement in their mood and emotional state, gain self-confidence, and strongly believe in a peaceful and happy future.

The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation allows children to take independent steps into the future on an ongoing basis: projects for children and teenagers provide knowledge and advice on motivating self-development, helping them find their dream profession, develop self-confidence, etc. Learn more at https://akhmetovfoundation.org/rinat-ahmetov-dityam