Winners of “One Day” competition told about lost childhood and important thing in life

These are totally not childish stories. They touch heart and soul. These stories show how deeply modern Ukrainian children, who have gone through the war, understand life.

The Museum of Civilian Voices, which founded by Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, held an essay competition "One Day". The participants were almost two thousand schoolchildren. This is collection of the best works selected by the jury. Those who took first, second and third places received awards from the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. 

The competition was held within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation and the Institute for Modernization of the Content of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. It was attended by schoolchildren of grades 9-11 from Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kharkov regions.

«The war takes away children’s childhood»
Antonina Dragoun
«The war takes away children’s childhood»
The day when the war began for me
Davyd Sevostyanov
"The day when the war began for me"
«Аt the age of seven I found myself amidst a terrible fairy tale called “war”»
Kateryna Shynkariova
«Аt the age of seven I found myself amidst a terrible fairy tale called “war”»
‘When my mum would come safe and well, I was happy.’
Anastasiya Kononenko
‘When my mum would come safe and well, I was happy.’
‘A day that etched in my memory and changed me’
Sofiya Manoylo
‘A day that etched in my memory and changed me’
‘The beginning of adult life’
Anna Mygal
‘The beginning of adult life’
‘The day when I grew older suddenly’
Аlina Kravchenko
‘The day when I grew older suddenly’
‘My memories are full of sadness and despair’
Liliya Sayenko
‘My memories are full of sadness and despair’
‘We have become the hostages of a new reality’
Sofia Turchenko
‘We have become the hostages of a new reality’
‘The darkness was torn by a bright white spot, as if a new star sparkled’
Vadym Sukhobrus
‘The darkness was torn by a bright white spot, as if a new star sparkled’
My childhood was killed in the war
Dmytro Zhurhur
'My childhood was killed in the war'
‘Fear seemed to mix with blood and was circulating throughout the body’
Katerina Posheluzna
‘Fear seemed to mix with blood and was circulating throughout the body’
The rumble of an artillery shell resembled fireworks
Elizaveta Bidyuk
'The rumble of an artillery shell resembled fireworks'
‘The earth trembled underfoot for real...’
Alla Voronkova
‘The earth trembled underfoot for real...’
‘We learned to be happy about having electricity and silence’
Anastasiya Lavrenova
‘We learned to be happy about having electricity and silence’
‘To forget about war – that is what peace means’
Vladislav Nelipa
‘To forget about war – that is what peace means’
‘Childhood was over, the world changed, the war began’
Aleksandr Reznik
‘Childhood was over, the world changed, the war began’
«I was nine years old when the war started»
Angelina Selekenova
«I was nine years old when the war started»
‘When the war passes through you, you begin to value every moment’
Danylo Taranenko
‘When the war passes through you, you begin to value every moment’
‘My life has changed dramatically – a brutal war knocked on the door’
Amina Podolyanuk
‘My life has changed dramatically – a brutal war knocked on the door’
War burst into my carefree life
Daria Mazitova
"War burst into my carefree life"
‘Is it possible to hide from the war?’
Danylo Ushkats
‘Is it possible to hide from the war?’
‘The war has trampled a lot in our souls’
Valeriya Popova
‘The war has trampled a lot in our souls’
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