Webinar Living in the Moment

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“Where your consciousness is, there is your life”

In recent years, the practice of Mindfulness, as a way of stress prevention, is gaining more and more popularity in modern society.

How to deal with anxiety? What is living in the moment and mindfulness that psychologists talk about so often these days?

You will learn about this from the webinar by Olena Lukyanchuk, a psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, specialist in crisis psychology and overcoming traumatic experiences.

Most of our life we think about the past or the future, but we are not mentally in the present.

Mindfulness is meant to make you aware of the present moment. Practical exercises to increase awareness, feeling of oneself in the moment, lead to a decrease in stress, an improvement in mood, an improvement in the quality of life, and a decrease in the level of cortisol and adrenaline known as stress hormones.

You can also contact the Foundation’s psychologists for help by calling the hotline: 0800509001*

(*All calls are free. Psychological assistance is provided free of charge).

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