Webinar Self-esteem. Self-acceptance

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Self-esteem (self-assessment) is people’s assessment of themselves, their capabilities, qualities and place among other people. This is what value a person endows himself or herself with, what opinion he or she has about himself or herself, with what degree of self-acceptance and self-respect he or she relates to himself or herself. The foundation of self-esteem is laid in childhood and largely depends on the parental attitude towards the child. A person’s ideas about themselves play a very important role in the formation of the image of their own “I”.

How important is it to assess yourself correctly? What are the types of self-esteem and how is it formed? You can get answers to these questions, as well as the answer to the question of how to deal with low self-esteem and how to stop being afraid of failure, by taking the course presented in the webinar by a psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, specialist in crisis psychology and overcoming traumatic experiences Olena Lukyanchuk.

You can also contact the Foundation’s psychologists for help by calling the hotline: 0800509001*

(*All calls are free. Psychological assistance is provided free of charge).

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